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Video Studio (RMC Digital Media Lab) Capacity: 5

Video Studio


**Update** Training is no longer required to reserve or use the Video Studio, as of Spring 2025. 

The Video Studio has a wide variety of professional-level equipment including adjustable lighting, a Blackmagic Studio Pro 4K, a teleprompter, audio equipment, four different backdrops, and a number of props. This is a good place for producing professional looking interviews, shooting with the green screen, recording class presentations, video podcasts, or even live streaming.  

Reservations must be made in advance. No training required. We recommended completing the tutorial (below) prior to using the video studio. 

Training (optional): We recommend, but do not require, the full video series.

These guides and videos are always available to you. If you forget how to use certain equipment, you can review them while you are using the Video Studio using the QR codes or studio binder.

For optional in-person training, sign up for any 'High-End Camera/Lighting & Video Studio Training (Robertson Media Center)' on the Library Events Calendar:

The video studio room key must be obtained from the DML consultant. Please remember to clean the room after you finish your project and ask the consultant to verify that you have reset the room when returning the key.

Reservations are required.


From the stairs or elevator (Clemons 3rd floor), turn right, past the restrooms, through the hallway and on the left. Once in the Digital Media Lab, ask the consultant for the key. There is a room scheduler beside the door to see if it is available.

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