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The Fresh Prints of Bel Aire (Formlabs Form 2) (Scholars' Lab Makerspace, 3D Printers)

3D Printers




35 × 33 × 52 cm
13.5 × 13 × 20.5 in
13 kg
28.5 lbs
Operating Temperature
Auto-heats to 35° C
Auto-heats to 95° F
Self-heating Resin Tank
Power Requirements 100–240 V
1.5 A 50/60 Hz
65 W
Laser Specifications EN 60825-1:2007 certified
Class 1 Laser Product
405nm violet laser
250mW laser
Optical Path
Printer control
Wifi, Ethernet and USB
Interactive Touch-screen with Push-button

Printing Properties

Peel Mechanism
Resin Fill System
Stereolithography (SLA)
Sliding Peel Process with wiper
Build Volume 145 × 145 × 175 mm
5.7 × 5.7 × 6.9 in
Layer Thickness (Axis Resolution)

Laser Spot Size (FWHM)
25, 50, 100 microns
0.001, 0.002, 0.004 inches
140 microns
0.0055 inches
Supports Auto-Generated
Easily Removable


STEP 1: Design
Design your model in your regular CAD software or import an STL or OBJ file into FormLabs' PreForm slicing software. 

STEP 2: Print
Send prints over USB cable

STEP 3: Finish
Use the Form Wash and Form Cure to post-process the printed object.

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