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Coffee + Code: Edition Crafter Demo

Every Thursday, September 19 through December 5, join the Scholars' Lab Research and Development team for delicious coffee and discussion of interesting digital humanities code work. Zero experience required; these are non-sequential, so plan to come for any or all.

Join us on December 5 for an informal talk and demonstration by Nick Laiacona of Performant Software.  Nick will be presenting EditionCrafter, their new tool for creating digital critical editions and archives. EditionCrafter provides a way to build high quality web based user interfaces for transcriptions and translations that accompany images of the primary sources.

The tool comes in two parts: a command line interface and a React component library.

The command line tool is used during the build step to turn a TEI/XML file into a IIIF Manifest and a set of textual fragments, one per layer per page. These can then be put on any type of static web server, including GitHub Pages.

The React component then consumes the generated manifest to display the edition. It is provided both as a NPM package for inclusion in a React App and a UMD build suitable for plain HTML/JS/CSS websites.

Nick will dive into the details of the tool and do a live demo. He hopes that researchers, practicitioners, & developers working in the Digital Humanities on similar projects will find this tool useful and welcomes feedback.

Thursday, December 5, 2024
11:00am - 12:00pm
Scholars' Lab Common Room (Rm 308)
Digital Humanities - Scholars' Lab -
Jeremy Boggs, Shane Lin

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The UVA Library is committed to hosting library events that are inclusive and welcoming to all. If you need certain accommodations to participate fully in this event, please contact libevents@virginia.edu.

Event Organizer

Jeremy Boggs
Shane Lin
Laura Miller