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Pokéball Terrarium Workshop

Pokéball Terrarium Workshop

Make a home for your Pokémon (for our non-Pokémon havers, we have glow-in-the-dark Studio Ghibli Forest Sprites to substitute)! Come make a habitat for your Pokémon from fake moss, pebbles, rocks, grass and flower tufts, and more! Please try to come on time (2pm) as this is a long Workshop and you will need the full 3 hours.

The Makerspace is located on the 3rd floor of Alderman, in room 308i. See here for open hours and a map: https://scholarslab.lib.virginia.edu/makerspace/#makerspace-hours

Saturday, April 13, 2024
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Makerspace (Shannon 308i)
Shannon Library
Scholars' Lab Makerspace
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SLab Makerspace