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GIS Workshop - Introduction to ArcGIS StoryMaps

GIS Workshop - Introduction to ArcGIS StoryMaps

StoryMaps is a web application builder that makes it easy to add narritive and multimedia context to your ArcGIS Online maps. Whether telling a story, giving a tour, or comparing historic maps, StoryMaps is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to create a polished web presentation.

All sessions are one hour and assume participants have no previous experience using GIS. They will be hands-on demonstrations with step-by-step tutorials and expert assistance. All sessions will be taught on Tuesday from 1PM to 2PM and are free and open to the UVa and larger Charlottesville community. Click here for a full list of our Spring sessions.

  • All sessions will be taugh in Shannon Library 308 and virtually via Zoom.
  • Registration is required.
  • Sessions will be recorded and made available here
  • If waitlisted, please contact us at uvagis@virginia.edu.

Please see the Spring 2025 Workshops tab on our Teaching Resources page for more information, including slides, handouts, and session recordings.

Related LibGuide: UVA GIS Resources by Chris Gist

Tuesday, March 25, 2025
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Scholars' Lab (Shannon 308)
Shannon Library
GIS Workshop Scholars' Lab
Chris Gist & Drew Macqueen

Registration is required. There are 14 in-person seats available. There are 12 online seats available.

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The UVA Library is committed to hosting library events that are inclusive and welcoming to all. If you need certain accommodations to participate fully in this event, please contact libevents@virginia.edu.

Event Organizer

Chris Gist
Drew MacQueen