ArcGIS Online provides a select set of the most common analysis tools, all from the convenience of your browser. Perform basic analysis with tools like Buffer and Spatial Join. Or, enhance your data, taking advantage of the always up-to-date elevation, streets, and demographics data available in ArcGIS Online with tools like Create Viewshed, Find Nearest, and Enrich. Come to learn and stay for stories about the old days when we had to create all that data ourselves. Uphill. Both ways!!
All sessions are one hour and assume participants have no previous experience using GIS. Sessions will be hands-on demonstrations with step-by-step tutorials and expert assistance. All sessions will be taught on Tuesdays from 1PM to 2PM and are free and open to the UVa and larger Charlottesville community. Late-comers are welcome and encouraged, registration is open until 1 hour before class. Click here for a full list of our Fall sessions.
If you've attended our workshops in the past, please note that things are a bit different this semester:
Please see the Spring 2021 Workshops tab on our Teaching Resources page for more information, including slides, handouts, post-workshop office hours and session recordings.
Related LibGuide: UVA GIS Resources by Chris Gist