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GIS Virtual Workshop - Taking Control of Your Spatial Data: Editing in ArcGIS Pro

GIS Virtual Workshop - Taking Control of Your Spatial Data: Editing in ArcGIS Pro

Until we perfect that magic “extract all those lines from this paper map” button, we’re stuck using editor tools to get that job done. If you’re lucky, someone else has done the work to create your points, lines, and polygons but maybe they need your magic touch to make them better. This session shows you how to create and modify vector features in ArcGIS Pro, the world’s most popular geographic information systems software. We’ll explore tools to create new points, lines, and polygons and to edit existing datasets.

All sessions are one hour and assume participants have no previous experience using GIS.  Sessions will be hands-on demonstrations with step-by-step tutorials and expert assistance.  All sessions will be taught on Wednesdays from 10AM to 11AM and are free and open to the UVa and larger Charlottesville community. Late-comers are welcome and encouraged, registration is open until 1 hour before class. Click here for a full list of our Fall sessions.

If you've attended our workshops in the past, please note that things are a bit different this semester:

  • All sessions will be taught virtually, via Zoom. Unfortunately, there will be no in-class sessions this semester. 
  • Registration is required. This is the best way to get Zoom links out to our attendees without posting the links to the world. 
  • Sessions will be recorded and made available, along with our slides and hand-outs.
  • We can't provide laptops to attendees, so that will affect access to ArcGIS Pro. To be clear, Pro is NOT required to attend. However, it is required to complete the hands-on exercise on your own.
    • Non-UVA attendees: Unfortunately, we're unable to provide ArcGIS Pro licensing. We suggest a Personal Use license. We know this isn't ideal for some, and we apologize for the inconvenience.
    • Attendees with a Mac: ArcGIS Pro is not Mac compatible. There are several ways in which ArcGIS Pro can be run on a Mac, including a dual boot to Windows or a Virtual Machine, neither of which we are able to support. For UVA affiliates, the simplest solution is to take advantage of the UVA Hive, which provides access to Pro.


Please see the Fall 2020 Workshops tab on our Teaching Resources page for more information, including slides, handouts, post-workshop office hours and session recordings.

Related LibGuide: UVA GIS Resources by Chris Gist

Wednesday, October 7, 2020
10:00am - 11:00am
GIS Workshop Scholars' Lab -
Chris Gist & Drew Macqueen
Registration has closed.

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The UVA Library is committed to hosting library events that are inclusive and welcoming to all. If you need certain accommodations to participate fully in this event, please contact libevents@virginia.edu.

Event Organizer

Chris Gist
Drew MacQueen